
2014年6月29日 星期日


2014/6/20~2014/6/24, 這5天中, 天父與我與造物主、眾天使完成了一個雙魚座舊時代的封印! 舊時代的能量與頻率將從此與寶瓶新時代分開, 一切與新時代的頻率不對頻的都將被挪開! 銀河聯邦的工作方向將改變, 將致力於所有一切新時代顯化工作的展開!! 個人揚升過程仍可以繼續, 但那將不會是銀河聯邦偉大神聖計畫的重點了!! 集體揚升過程畫下句點, 個人頻率屬於哪個次元與空將開始歸位. 地球已然是一個多次元的時空! 
2014/6/20~2014/6/24, through these 5 days, Father and I, also with Creators and many many light beings and Angels, have finished a seal for the energy of old ( Pisces )age. From now on the old frequency will be unquestionably apart from that of Aquarius, any frequency or vibration that is not attuned with that in New Age will be removed naturally. Galactic Federation will focus on tasks of all manifestations in New Age! Personal ascension can still go on, however, this is no more the aspect of coming phases of Great Sacred Plan. Collective ascension ends here. Each will pertain rightly to corresponding space and frequency. Gaia is absolutely and extraordinarily a multidimensional planet in the universe.

Blessings to all!


