2014年10月29日 星期三
2014年10月21日 星期二
這促成了意識上的被動形態, 而缺少積極主動的思維,因此造成缺乏創意與自主的集體性格。 當自己的所有或是意見與多數人不同時,就以為自己是遜色或是異類,而造成時有所聞的比較心理,
或是無法自我認同的情形, 然後一種隱性的自卑情結形成,創造能力於是被掩沒。 如果群體中多數的個體意識都是這樣, 那這也會形成一個沒有創意的社會,或是奴隸化的社會。
生命的本相是發揮獨特的那一面特質,在彼此之間的強弱面相中互相成為一個共益與互補團體,接著發展個體較弱的那一個面相,使每個個體逐漸達成各面相的發展, 靈魂生命旅的設計也是這樣的。 在宏偉宇宙的24區中,每一區的文明傳承與頻率光的振動特質,是每一個靈魂家族都會經歷的。 在這些靈魂家族經歷與存在經驗的連結中,形成了光的太陽花朵。
所以多元創造力與多元的價值觀應該要被肯定,這肯定首先要從自我做起。 當你沒有林青霞的美麗顏容,卻有一嘴缺顆大門牙的笑臉,在頻率中那個缺門牙的笑臉中傳達的自信與純真就是一張美麗的臉。
為你自己所擁有的與創造的感到榮耀,而不是為了與任何一個人相同,或為了有一個被期待的優越讀書名次! 老師或是家長若可以幫助學生建立自我認同,那麼學生在往世靈魂中的生命創造力就會得到延展,這一點一滴都是在更新集體意識的頻率,並為社會創造一個無限的光明面。
2014年10月14日 星期二
天堂來信#5059 神在說些什麼
翻譯:Nick Chan
God said:
When you are wound too tight, unwind. What does unwinding really mean? It doesn't mean to take a drink or eat a second piece of pie. It doesn't mean running away or oblivion. Unwinding doesn't mean all the things you may think. It means letting go. Let go of what may ail you. What ails you is something you are holding onto, some thought you are holding onto, some orientation that you've got to let go of.
There are many possibilities. You may think the world owes you a living. You may think that you are in danger. You most certainly are in danger to think that you are in danger from one source or another or simply from the world at large. Whatever it is that hangs over you that you think you must defray, this is what has to be unwound. You tied a rope of tension around you. You simply have to drop it. It is you who holds yourself in jeopardy.
I can hear you respond vehemently:
"Look, God, what are You talking about? You know that there are tsunamis, earthquakes, lightning, all sorts of things that go boom in the dark. Trees may fall, trucks go off the road, innocent babies get colic. There is no end to the terrible things that can happen."
Beloveds, this is just the point. There is no end of possibilities. You are so quick to think of the disconcerting possibilities. I ask you to think of the equally viable possibilities. You could find a hundred-dollar bill on the street. You could bump into someone who will become a huge factor for good in your life.
You also have a choice to let go of thoughts you harbor and take out to revisit, the thoughts that spell out fear for you. Odds are that fearful events won't happen to you, you understand, yet you keep these images before you and you read your mental list of them too often.
Look, dangers are possibilities. Enough said. Let go of them.
Blessings are also possibilities. Blessings will come to you. Bet on them. Invite blessings to your table. You don't have to have them. They don't have to come to you. Certainly, you can invite them. Whatever you have on your mind, you are inviting to you.
Worries and fears are invitations just as much as thoughts of happiness are invitations. Why psych yourself up for mis-adventures when you can have happy adventures before you? Why not favor that which you desire over that which you do not desire? It is for you to hang out with forward-moving thoughts rather than with thoughts that give you discomfort or even agony.
This is common sense I speak of. This is Realism. This is facing facts. This is not running away. This is the same as not throwing your money away. We are speaking of higher stakes than money. How you look at life is key . Think anew.
You have nourished thoughts that do not bode well. You have been loyal to such thoughts. You have excluded friendly thoughts and, by habit, have played time and time again with thoughts that are not your friends. Of course, look two ways when you cross the street, but not a hundred ways. When you look a hundred ways, you will likely not get across the street. Not crossing the street may present a far greater danger than crossing the street.
Remember the story of the little red hen who announced that the sky is falling? The little red hen ran away from everything. Her idea that the sky was falling was based on a misunderstanding. True or not, she reacted to the world she saw. It was real to her.
Haydn’s regret 海頓的懺悔
In a session of Higher Selves family connection, Haydn appeared to be 62 dimensional Higher Self of my client. He expressed his great regret of his musical works causing to malfunctions of listeners’ brain or consciousness.
that he started to compose these influential pieces on human consciousness. The following pieces are confirmed by Haydn in spiritual connection, and are suggested not to listen to it for the reason of well initiation to human consciousness.
在一次高我群連結的個案中,海頓出現在這個案連結對話中,他是個 案62次元的高我。 在對話中,他表示曾經有意圖的做過數首音樂作品造成聽者的意識障 礙,為此深感愧疚。 海頓是18世紀的音樂家, 經由莫札特的推薦在1785年加入共濟會, 之後,他才開始譜寫這類的樂曲。 下面這些曲目已經過海頓本人的靈訊肯定是會對人的意識產生封閉性 影響的樂曲頻率,為人類意識揚升的目地,他並且建議不要去聽這些 曲目。
l Symphony No. 82 in C major, The Bear (1786)
l Symphony No. 88 in G major (1787)
l Symphony No. 94 in G major, The Surprise (1791)
l Symphony No. 96 in D major, The Miracle (1791)
l Symphony No. 98 in B-flat major (1792)
l Symphony No. 101 in D major, The Clock (1793/1794)
l Symphony No. 103 in E-flat major, Drumroll (1795)
l Symphony No. 108 : z.B. Die Uhr, mit dem Paukenschlag, Der Abschied etc. (siehe auch: Liste der Sinfonien Joseph Haydns)
l Missa in tempore belli, Paukenmesse (1796, Hob.XXII:9)
l Missa Sancti Bernardi de Offida, Heiligmesse (1796, Hob.XXII:10)
l Missa in Angustijs, Nelsonmesse, (1798, Hob.XXII:11)
l Theresienmesse (1799, Hob.XXII:12)
l Schöpfungsmesse (1801, Hob.XXII:13)
l Harmoniemesse (1802, Hob.XXII:14)
l The Creation
l The Seasons
108 交響曲: z.B. Die Uhr, mit dem Paukenschlag, Der Abschied etc. (siehe auch: Liste der Sinfonien Joseph Haydns)
1 交響協奏曲 給 小提琴,大提琴,雙簧管與低音管
Missa in tempore belli, Paukenmesse (1796, Hob.XXII:9)
Missa Sancti Bernardi de Offida, Heiligmesse (1796, Hob.XXII:10)
Missa in Angustijs, Nelsonmesse, (1798, Hob.XXII:11)
Theresienmesse (1799, Hob.XXII:12)
Schöpfungsmesse (1801, Hob.XXII:13)
Harmoniemesse (1802, Hob.XXII:14)
Furthermore, Haydn strongly recommended listen to full solfeggio frequency for it attune individual body energy, and help activating human consciousness.
此外, 海頓強烈建議聽全音頻音樂來校正個人能量場的頻率,這全音頻也可 以幫助啟動意識。 watch?v=91mFleY7oq8
l Symphony No. 82 in C major, The Bear (1786)
l Symphony No. 88 in G major (1787)
l Symphony No. 94 in G major, The Surprise (1791)
l Symphony No. 96 in D major, The Miracle (1791)
l Symphony No. 98 in B-flat major (1792)
l Symphony No. 101 in D major, The Clock (1793/1794)
l Symphony No. 103 in E-flat major, Drumroll (1795)
l Symphony No. 108 : z.B. Die Uhr, mit dem Paukenschlag, Der Abschied etc. (siehe auch: Liste der Sinfonien Joseph Haydns)
l Missa in tempore belli, Paukenmesse (1796, Hob.XXII:9)
l Missa Sancti Bernardi de Offida, Heiligmesse (1796, Hob.XXII:10)
l Missa in Angustijs, Nelsonmesse, (1798, Hob.XXII:11)
l Theresienmesse (1799, Hob.XXII:12)
l Schöpfungsmesse (1801, Hob.XXII:13)
l Harmoniemesse (1802, Hob.XXII:14)
l The Creation
l The Seasons
108 交響曲: z.B. Die Uhr, mit dem Paukenschlag, Der Abschied etc. (siehe auch: Liste der Sinfonien Joseph Haydns)
1 交響協奏曲 給 小提琴,大提琴,雙簧管與低音管
Missa in tempore belli, Paukenmesse (1796, Hob.XXII:9)
Missa Sancti Bernardi de Offida, Heiligmesse (1796, Hob.XXII:10)
Missa in Angustijs, Nelsonmesse, (1798, Hob.XXII:11)
Theresienmesse (1799, Hob.XXII:12)
Schöpfungsmesse (1801, Hob.XXII:13)
Harmoniemesse (1802, Hob.XXII:14)
Furthermore, Haydn strongly recommended listen to full solfeggio frequency for it attune individual body energy, and help activating human consciousness.
此外, 海頓強烈建議聽全音頻音樂來校正個人能量場的頻率,這全音頻也可
第一要做的是清掃。原封不動的位置與髒物廢棄物堆滿屋不可能產生多好的能量場, 甚至原本是好的能量場也會變糟!
百分之九十的屋子都不算福地吉屋, 所以居住者的習慣與營造很重要,裝潢的設計巧妙當然也有助益。尤其位在死巷聚陰的地點上, 就更需要室內設計的巧思來引光能進屋內。
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