
2015年1月14日 星期三

天堂的來信 #5163 為何神自己重複述說?

天堂的來信 #5163 為何神自己重複述說?
Heavenletter #5163 Why Does God Repeat Himself?, January 13, 2015

God said:

讓我自己重說一次 與你同在的一天是多麼令人愉快啊 像在天堂一樣如果要說的話
Let Me repeat Myself. How lovely is a day with you in it. Heavenly, I may say.

若是你能從深度與寬度上理解我的心甚至充滿著你的想法,你將是這世界上最快樂的人。 你不會感到疏離,寂寞,或是感覺到不被愛;因為你會隨著了解到自己有多麼地被愛著而高高飛。 然後,你開始能夠以天堂與地上所有的愛來愛自己。 你愛,你會不知道如何不愛。 你會不知道如何開始感到不被愛。 你將會有愛人如己的根基。 喔,是的,你會愛每一個人如同愛你自己一樣。 你從未足夠地愛自己。 現在你將榮耀每一個人, 這世界因你的愛會從你開始豐盛地如蘋果樹一樣地開花。你的愛將觸及遠近遍地。
If you had any idea of the depth and breadth with which My heart is filled by even the thought of you, you would be one of the most joyous people in the world. You would not know of desolation, loneliness, or ever feeling unloved, for you would fly high as you have some idea of how loved you are.  You would then be able to start loving yourself with all the love in Heaven and on Earth.  You would love. You would not know how not to love. You would not know how to begin to feel unloved. You would have the basis from which to love everyone as yourself. Oh, yes, you have always loved everyone always as you loved yourself. You never loved yourself enough. Now you will do honor to everyone and the world with your love that will fall abundantly from you like apple blossoms. Your love will reach far and near.

What else will I repeat to ensure that you hear Me?

我要重申 讓它去吧讓它去吧!讓一切將你拉住的走吧! 這有很多,親愛的:
I will repeat: Let go, let go. Let go of everything that holds you back, and there is a lot, beloveds.

放下對你而言並不容易。放下仇恨忌妒做正確的事。放下認為事情『應該』怎樣的執著。 沒有甚麼是一定要如何除了事情它自己的真實狀態以外。也不要以為自己欠任何人甚麼,或是任何人欠你甚麼,放下你必須擁有甚麼的想法。放下你比別人知道更多的想法。 從別人那裡,甚至是從你認為他們是不幸或無價值的人們身上,你也會獲得甚麼。 除了愛以外放下一切。除了愛以外沒有別的。   
Letting go is not so easy for you. Let go of grudges and being right. Let go of any hanging on to how something has to be. It doesn’t have to be any way but what it is. Let go of the idea that you owe anyone anything or that anyone owes you anything. Let go of necessity for possessions. Let go of the idea that you know better than others. From others, even from those you see as less worthy or less fortunate than you, you have something to gain. Let go of everything but love. There is nothing else.

有一部份的放下是去思考,真正活著分享以不同方式反應 裂縫就會得到填補以某種東西填補你將在這世界上邁開一大步 你將踏上一大階你將擺脫蕭條委靡不振你會在哪兒當你是自由的而且真的身處在天堂時如果你可以接受這想法你有甚麼呢
Part of letting go is to think, live, love, share, react differently. Gaps get filled, and they get filled with something. You are about to take greater strides in the world. You are going to step high. You are going to get out of the doldrums. Where will you be and what will you have when you are free and in Heaven where you already are if you could but accept this.

在地上你越來越認識我了也因此,越發認識你自己了 對這句話你需要沉澱一下換句話說,學習放鬆。你可以做到的。你可以不用對自己與生命這麼嚴肅。 你看,你太過把自己跟生命看得太嚴肅嚴重了! 所有你所學到對你無益的,不用學! 把對你或是世界一點都沒有益處的東西學的很好並非一個好點子。
On Earth, you are getting to know Me and, therefore, your Self. For this, you want to settle down a bit. In other words, learn to relax. You can do it. You can learn not to take life and yourself so seriously. Look, you learned to take life and yourself very very seriously.  All that which you have learned that is unhelpful to you, you can unlearn. It is not such a good idea to have learned well that which does not benefit you or the world at large.

恐懼這是小我的根一定要被拋棄 不用恐懼就是如此 然後你放鬆放下讓它走吧! 接著,心的美妙純潔保留著,愛充滿你。 擦拭你的心版。那從未是真實的過去已經過去了,你是自由的。 你可以自由地愛!
Fear, which is the root of ego, has to be abandoned. Fear not. That’s it. Then you relax. Then you let go. Then wonderful purity of heart remains, and love fills you. Erase the slate of your mind. The past that never was has flown away, and you are free. You are free to love.

所有我告訴你的並再次述說的都是最划算的事親愛的 要知道我是不會浪費我的氣息的 你所聽見我所說的紀錄在你的細胞中 我的道深植在你裡面也等候著你,等著你啜飲,被更新,然後被送往入一個任何人造的疆界或海洋都無法企及的世界。 界限是人定的,親愛的。 一條需要跨越的河並不是界限。 但將你侷限在過去的藩籬是界限。 你現在正在感受自己。 你就是你所能夠申明的自由之身。 允許你自己去看見我所看見的。 看哪!你是我美麗的創造, 從我內心自由地創造了你。從任何一件事、每一件將你抓住的事中將你自己釋放出來!
All that I tell you and tell you again is cost-effective, beloveds. Be assured that I do not waste My breath. Whatever I say that you hear gets into your cells. You have My Words deeply implanted and waiting for you, waiting for you to drink and be refreshed and sent out into the world far across any sea and any man-made boundaries. Boundaries are man-made, beloveds. A river to cross is not a boundary. Fences that keep you bound to the past are boundaries. You are freeing yourself now. You are as free as you announce to yourself to be. Give yourself permission to behold as I do behold. Behold, you are My beautiful Creation, and I created you freely from My heart. Free yourself from anything and everything that holds you back.

