
2014年5月31日 星期六

天堂來信#4934 神的渴望

 天堂來信#4934 神的渴望

翻譯:Nick Chan

God said:


Beloveds, you can rely on Me, and you can rely on yourself as well.


Now that you have been reading Heavenletters, you are closer to Me and closer to realizing how I might answer a question you ask. Or, when you have a question, you can look for some lines in any Heavenletter that could be a response to your question or a partial response to your question. You can find ten Heavenletters that speak to you. You can find a hundred, thousands.


Soon enough, you will be hearing the answers to your own questions. You know something now. You know more than you used to. You are wiser now. Not all-wise, yet wiser. Indeed, much wiser.


Come now to have more confidence in yourself. All you have to do is to let go of the past, past thoughts, past beliefs, past functioning. Cling not to the past, and cling not to answers that used to satisfy.


You are on the cusp of a new world, beloveds. You are not what you once thought you were. You are more adequate than you used to think. Or, on the contrary, you may see yourself as less adequate than you used to think you were.


In either case, this is good progress. You are a human being who is ever-learning. You are open to new learning. There is much you can learn for yourself and from yourself.


There is another aspect here as well. You don't have to know everything. Everything does not have to be wrapped up, concluded with, sorted out. Unanswered questions are also good.


You can look at life as if you have arrived from another planet. You can see life on Earth from a new vantage. Why not? What do you have to lose but old ways of thinking? And if there is something in your old thinking that is worthy, you can keep it still.


Once upon a time, everything you thought, you thought was exemplary, yet old thinking can and does erode on its own.


There will come a time, and it is fast approaching, when you will not know ahead or plan ahead. You will not have to do. You will walk to where you are going quite naturally and spontaneously. You will simply know what to say and what to do without figuring it all out. All the answers to everything will come to you. You will knock on the right door. You will also open your door to the person meant to come to your door at that precise moment.


All the wheels of the Universe are working perfectly, and all the wheels of your life will run smoothly without your ordering them to. It will be like you have a standing order at a restaurant, and a wonderful meal is delivered to you each day, none quite like the day before, each one just right for the day, and each better than the one before.


A new day is a-coming in every sense of the word new. New world, new you, new pleasures of experience, new life for you and new life for everyone. Old ways cannot sustain themselves in a new world. All this, of course, will be without effort.


Chemicals will fall away. Natural will reign. Good earth will be sustained by the good sun and water and the loving hearts of all. Peace will reign. Negativity will not have its place any longer. No one will want it, and it will no longer serve anyone. You will see further and closer at the same time. You will serve further and closer at the same time. You, beloveds, will be the culmination of all your desires and Mine.



今天早上去看了" 上帝之子 "這部電影早場! 除了跨時空的清理療癒之外, 意外的發現昔日與今日的猶大。 昔日的猶大因為出賣的耶穌,後來找了一棵樹上吊自殺了。 縱使耶穌說他的罪已得赦免了,這位靈魂仍一直活在罪的陰影下,他無法釋放自己脫離曾經犯下的錯,也不相信自己的罪得赦免了,因為內在這樣罪的恐懼聲音越來越大,所以他開始學魔法,讓自己成為魔法大師!! 

我在霎那間看見他內在的巨大恐懼,但這恐懼只有個人自己能移除。 如果靈魂相信耶穌已救贖了眾人的罪與業力,那麼他的內心才會真正的轉向靈性開悟的光的道路上。 好施魔法者的內在是恐懼、空虛與軟弱的。 因為內在控訴的自己也一直投射在每一個他所遇到的人身上,他認為每一個他所遇見的都可能像他一樣犯罪、犯錯。 原本他所學的魔法應該是用來打敗他自己內在小我聲音與恐懼的,然而這個必須被打敗的的人卻一直在外在環境人事中找不到, 所以他也一直一直眷戀在魔法上。

當一個人披上真理的光時,他的靈魂是無所畏懼,也是無敵的。 這並不是說就不怕死,不怕傷痛暴力了,而是內在深處的坦然充滿了光。 光就是神聖本質。充滿光的當下,靈魂覺得整個宇宙都是與自己同在的,因為那是聖靈生命能量與能力的連結。 耶穌行走在湖水之上,使拉撒路復活的能力不是來自魔法,更不是念咒或誦經,而是源自與生命源頭連接的聖靈能量。 這股聖靈能量在凡有生命的身上都有,無一例外,你只需要去發現祂、憶起祂,也在一切裡發現祂!

耶穌身為神之子必須經過死亡是因為祂必須下到陰間去救贖那些為義而死的正直人,這是身為高貴神之子從天堂之處下降到人間,甚至陰間所做完成的救贖。從更高次元的觀點看,背叛者猶大、離經叛道的大祭司該亞法、彼拉多、或是十二位門徒…這些都是靈魂約定好演出這一場救贖之戲的。 這是為什麼從天堂的眼光來看,沒有什麼不能被原諒的。 這一切都是靈魂的選擇,每一個當下都可以是奇蹟。 然而大部分時候人們選擇的是世俗的以為然,而不是內心真正的看見與共振。 所以儘管有神蹟奇事,剛硬執拗的心逼迫與折磨自己,寧願相信魔鬼黑暗的力量,就是不願相信天堂早已為每一位靈魂準備好了, 不願相信父神的力量與聖靈的愛,早已等待著一個懺悔的心。

十字架的救贖已轉化揚升的過程! 也願連日的傾盆大雨洗盡個人內在恐懼!

天堂來信#4931 愛像光一樣充滿你

天堂來信#4931 愛像光一樣充滿你

翻譯:Nick Chan

God said:


In Heaven, there is no such thing as Hurry Up, nor is there such a thing as Slow Down. Hurrying up and slowing down are not even a possibility in Heaven. In Heaven, an idea pulsates. It is instant. There is no planning it, no making a big decision, no board meetings. The idea is done. It is over. It circulates across the Universe, for there is no time in Heaven to speculate in. There is Infinity which leaves the concept of time out. Time in Heaven is an impossibility. Time does not accumulate in Heaven.


There are no storage places in Heaven as well. There is no stopping-off place either. Think of the most solid happy time in your life on Earth, when all was easy, and all was sweet like a dream come true, and you will have a thimbleful of how loving it is in Heaven. It's not that you flit in Heaven. No landing place is needed or offered. There is no cleaning or upkeep that has to be done. Great mobility in Heaven. No barriers. When you think about it, are not time and space barriers on Earth?


In Heaven there are no boundaries to break, for there are no boundaries.


Time and space confront you on Earth wherever you turn. At the same time, the concepts of time and space are a blessing to you, a mixed blessing. Time and space boss you around. They take over your life, and, yet, even so, they give you great joy. You look outside you, and there is sunshine or rain or any of the elements, and they come in season. There are no seasons in Heaven. The concept of seasons does not exist in Heaven any more than the absence of joy exists in Heaven.


Pure love streams in Heaven, and more of that essence of love is streaming into your lives. You are surrounded by miracles that love brings. Heaven is an exciting dimension, yet contrast does not take place. When all is love, what more can there be? Nothing can be missing for all is well and all is supreme. In Heaven, love is beyond emotion. Fullness of Love is simply present. Divine Fullness of Fullness.


You might as well start getting ready. You are ascending while Heaven leans over and reaches for you. It is not that you have to ascend. You can even let go of ascending. We could say that angels and I lean down to pick you up and bring you here. We could say that. Yet there is no up and down in Heaven. There is no here and there. Let Us say that Love fills you like light, and you are risen to your true value. Ah, you become right-side up even as there are no dimensions in Heaven like that.


I am already in your heart, not solely as theory but rather as Reality. It is not really that you enter Heaven. You clear your eyes, you let go of non-recognition, and you begin to see what always has been. You have been a virtuoso of perception, seeing what is not and not seeing what is. Now, you are beginning to see. You are beginning to sense Reality which is, of course, beyond perception.


Certainly, We can say that you pull yourself up to the Reality of Heaven, although you don't really pull yourself up. You can't pull yourself up to where you already are. You can only be here with Me deep in your heart , and not for yourself alone, for what is the fun in that?


天堂來信#4935 原諒你的過去

天堂來信#4935 原諒你的過去

翻譯:Nick Chan

God said:


You must must must excuse yourself from wrong-doings of the past and from things you didn't do then that now you wish you had. How you may wish you had. It's too late now. You absolutely must let bygones be bygones. You must must must get yourself out from under.


There is no one on Earth who has done everything the way he wishes now that he would have. And, oh, yes, the pain of what you could have done and simply weren't quick enough to do -- too inhibited, too unaware , too unable at the moment to put it together with flying colors.


All these matters that haunt you, you have to let them go. You have to let yourself off the hook. You weigh yourself down with these self-accusations, again and again. Say you're sorry to the person if the person is alive . And if you regret so deeply something you didn't do the way you wish you had concerning someone whose body has left, say you're sorry now and stop making your heart ache over your unremitting guilt.


And if you don't know where the person is now, or whether he or she is on Earth or in Heaven, say you're sorry as well. Say how sorry you are you did or didn't do whatever it was. You have to do this. You have to let yourself go from regrets and from egregious pain of guilt. Guilt is no more than lashing yourself. You have lashed yourself a hundred times harking back to the past. If you held onto to someone else in this fashion, it would be called resentment. No longer resent yourself for once being less aware than you are now.


Do you lash yourself again and again because you didn't know how to spell a word? Maybe if you lost a spelling bee on account of that misspelling, you would. I entreat you to let go of anything that causes you a morsel of pain . Live today and pass by yesterday and all the days and years before. 


For rue, regret, sorrow, anxiety, and guilt, substitute gratitude. Be grateful that you know better now. Be grateful that you once saw differently and now see better. Be grateful. Be grateful that you can toss these harbored feelings to the wind and move forward without a black mark on you.


Beloveds, there is no one who would not let you pass by all that has caused you this turmoil that grinds in you. No one whom you ever hurt or neglected would want you to be bound so to the past. So then you must free those whom you offended, whether by your thoughtlessness or deliberation. Let it go. Let your aching thoughts go.


All the things you have said or not said, let them go.


All the feelings you have had or not had, give them up.


The theme for today is letting go. Let go. Regret and guilt hold you back. And if today there is something new that you rue and regret, say you're sorry now. To say you're sorry when you are sorry is a great relief. In any case, now, today, you have to close the chapter.


There are too many opened books in your mind. It is like you have become an accountant of debits. Forget the debits and remember the assets. When you keep trespasses of your own or anyone's to yourself, that is something to regret. Do it no more.


True, you cannot go back and remedy your part in whatever it was, yet today gives you an opportunity to go higher. Feel good about today. Today be more thoughtful to someone else. Pardon yourself from even the past of yesterday. Be not your own parole officer or executioner. Write yourself your own parole if that helps. Beloveds, set yourselves free from the past. Pardon your past. This is My Will.


天堂來信#4935 我們在哪?

天堂來信#4935 我們在哪
翻譯:Nick Chan

God said:


Consider the world nothing but love stirring. I tell you that I love you with all My heart. You make Me happy. You make Me smile. You make Me laugh. I enjoy you, and never do I leave you.


I am with you before, after, and between time on Earth. You are the embrace in M​​y heart that never ends. You are the embrace and the call of My heart. Our hearts resound. Our hearts sing and dance. I lift you up to the Highest Heavens, and you are light in M​​y arms. I know no weight. I know only light and lightness. You are beyond the threshold of My heart. You are over the door-sill. You are My companion for all-time .


You are My delight. There is room always for My delight. You are One Child I carry as if cradled in M​​y heart. I carry you everywhere, and I swing along with you. How We love. We know naught else. There is no effort to our love, no weight to it. We bounce along in love. We come across more love on the way, and We add more love as We strew more love along the way.


Our love is like seeds We strew, leaving nothing but love in the wake. There is nothing but love to leave and nothing but love to see ahead. There is nothing but love on the loose. Love looks for where love can be planted and grow , and this is all-around everywhere.


We draw a picture of love, as if starting with a dot and then swirling and swirling into an ever-widening circle. There is no end to it. Love reaches itself and is enchanted. Love leaves no place for anything else.


The whole world is rising in love. Soon there will nothing to see but love, evidence of love, and I am Love, and you are love, and all there is is love running around, bumping into love and more love, love bursting, spilling, eddying, sweeping everything within sight.


Hail to love, the whole content and purpose of the Universe, the holding and beholding of the Universe, love free for all.


Where does love come from? Everywhere. Where does love go? Everywhere. What is love? Everything. When did love begin? Love never was not. Where is my love, you may ask. You have never been without it. In the darkest moments, love was. You grabbed onto distractions along the way. Go further now. Go deeper now.


You have always been found. You were never alone. I AM with you, surrounding you, claiming you, and you are surrounded and claimed with love, crowned with love in every direction and directionless at the same time.


Love sits on the hearth and in every heart. Love knows no bounds. Love can be overlooked, yet never not unheralded. I bid you love. I bid you a good day. ​​I bid you light. I give you a map that leads simply and clearly to the center of you who art My love. If I say you are My love, you can be sure of it.


My love is not a string I dangle. My love is forthright and strong, and you are My love wherever you may find yourself to be. There is only one place for you to be, and that is in M​​y heart. You are My heart of hearts. We are One Heart together. We are all the love in the world wrapped up in One.


What did you get for Christmas? Why, ​​you got Me. I am a long-lasting gift. I give you Myself, and We walk into Infinity where We belong and always have been. We hold hands. We hop and skip into Eternity holding hands. What else is there to do? Where else can We be but together in Eternity?


2014年5月23日 星期五


我們可以創造使我們進入地獄的小我,也可以創造進入天堂的靈魂。當你創造了小我,祢就消滅了靈魂。 當你創造進入天堂的靈魂,小我就被消滅了。
說來容易,做起來當然不簡單。這也是為甚麼歷世歷代的英雄傳說,都描述了他們進入地獄中去拯救心愛的人,Orpheus, Aeneas, Heracles, Jason, Odysseus 都是這樣! 其實他們所進入的可怕的冥府地獄,是他們的內在。為了拯救Persephone, Helen, Beatrice, Eurydice… 這些都是他們的靈魂,!
在地獄中經歷了火一般的試煉後,才就得美人歸。經過一次又一次的業力循環,死而復活的考驗過程,英雄得到了獎賞:那就是黃金身體,不朽的靈魂,Sahu。 這時的英雄才成為神的樣貌,有著天堂中的神聖本質! 這也是輪迴的必要,它是一個靈魂的學習過程。
祢無法不經歷就回到天堂,祢也不能離世而居指望修行成仙佛,逃避業力功課不能使你完美,生命的目地是要完全的克服痛苦,完成內在創造原力的純淨無染,然後你才能成就法身,成為完美的至尊佛,成為真正的”我是 ”。 這時,祢才是神的顯現,成為祂的聲音,祂的容器。



~~ 關於潘蜜拉的自傳《靈魂暗夜》




不要透過別人的意識去看世界,而是以你自己的感觀看見去經驗生命。智慧之火從內在升起,不是從別人身上,從外在。梵谷所畫的作品就是他獨特的內心看見,然而人們的意識卻需要許多年後才明白體會畫中濃濃的生命能量流,了解他與當時流派藝術家的不同。 可惜,梵谷並沒有能堅持自己所見,在無法得到認同下結束了自己的生命。 但就算如此,他的作品還是發光了。他感受到的天空是翠綠的,是發光與流動的,是微紫帶粉的。 你感受的天空是甚麼?

生命現象乍看相似,但卻有許多不同。 從不同角度層次,所看見也不同。 學派研究常需要統計極大量的資訊特徵性,才能歸納出事情的真相面貌。永遠不要從表相、從外在去認識世界與生命。內在視野空間有多大,外在世界就可以看見多少奇妙奧祕。

真正的看見當下你的存在是什麼,太陽升起,雨後見彩虹,感受自己生命所見的一切,感受真實的呼吸,並送出你內在的生命之愛。陽光灑在屋內時,在光束中跳躍的是光子的生命力與愛。是這股愛的能量連結了萬物一切。就算是公園草地中一朵微小的藍花朵也在述說生命的喜悅,儘管從它身邊走過多少不同的步伐節奏,它依就照自己的方式安然活著,是一片草綠中的一小點螢光藍色的花。這些不同的步伐節奏是一個個不同人生故事與靈魂生命,只在那個當下交會在小螢光藍花前。但幾個人看見它的存在? 就算沒有人看見,它還是按宇宙真理法則存在的小小生命。它不需要被認同, 照樣活出它的光。它最需要的是認同自己的存在,接受自己的存在,享受自己的存在,並散發自己存在的光。




當你真正認識宇宙真理的本相,宇宙與高我的力量能量就與你連結。這才是真力量。不是靠魔法。 內在不純淨,外在不會有助力。認識自己的存在本身就夠你學的了。認識自己本相就是最深的學問。 每個生命的任務就是好好的存在認識自己! 療癒自己就是療癒世界! 沒有內在秩序, 外在也是混亂的。 初創的亞當夏娃本來具有神一般的本性與能力 , 並且與神同住。 吃蘋果這件事是一個欲望誘惑與好奇受誘惑的結果;所指的也正是靈魂的考驗。通過考驗的人繼續留在伊甸園中 ,沒有通過的被逐出伊甸園, 頻率下降, 從高頻無形的存在降落變成物質赤身存在, 因此亞當夏娃才發現自己是裸體的 。 

揚升是不斷不斷與自己的高我和內在多元本質結合, 也因為這樣你與宇宙的力量結合,這過程的起步就是面對自己的小我,讓自己的靈魂變成純淨的。 外在術法永遠不會幫助你揚升!! 


Seeing is believing?

Seeing is believing? 





你可以肯定葡萄圓的管理者沒有讓一個葡萄藤比其他的開花更多。是的,也許其他的葡萄藤得到更多的陽光或者陰影、水等等。每個葡萄藤和葉子以及開花自然地向太陽生長。沒有一個葡萄藤說,“ 可憐的我” 。沒有葡萄藤會說:“ 哎,這是我今年的業力。” 沒有葡萄藤、葉子或者果實,事實上,聳聳肩膀並說:“ 這是我的報應”
如果我告訴你,我的確告訴了你,放下過去,那麼我又為何要用鐵環或者吉他弦或者DNA 的細絲將你限制在過去?為什麼我要?

發佈於2014 年5 月14 日
中譯:Nick Chan




放下給予你的就是只給你一個人的想法。你並不是小傑克霍納坐在角落,吃著自己的聖誕派,拉出一個李子並說,“ 我是一個好男孩嗎?”
偉大的精神存有們都做了什麼?沒有一個人想:“ 嗯,我完整了。我有答案了。” 他們通過分享我給予他們的完整自己。我是給予者,你注定也要成為給予者。這並不意味著你要聚集每個人就像古代的水手,把自己的故事傳遞出去讓自己脫離內疚。你需要的就是給予,因為你注定要成為給予者。直到你給予,你就是一個拾取者,親愛的。撐起宇宙,親愛的。撐起來。

發佈於2014 年5 月21 日
中譯:Nick Chan




發佈於2014 5 22

中譯:Nick Chan

2014年5月13日 星期二

大天使梅塔特隆與第33維度20140506 明白時間與空間連續統一體,與當下共事

大天使梅塔特隆與第33維度20140506 明白時間與空間連續統一體,與當下共事
 (2014-05-11 04:01:52)

通靈:Anna Merkaba
翻譯:Nick Chan

Dearly Beloved Children of the Universe,


As the time is moving in the spinning direction of the sun and the opposite direction of the moon, expanding and contracting has thereby created a vortex and your linear time as you know it is becoming less and less definite and more blurred and unpredictable. For the magnetic field of your own vehicles is corresponding to the magnetic field of GAIA. And whilst your planet's magnetic field is being restructured so is your own vehicle's magnetic field shifting into another state of being, corresponding to direct effect of the changes occurring within your planets magnetic field.


For the time as you understand it to be indeed does not exist. For all is occurring in the now moment of time, where myriad of timelines, dimensions, and realities merge and disperse all at once. And hence many of you are finding yourself confused when you look at the clock, for your brain is trying to run on the time line that it was designed to run on, whilst your heart code is pulsating another vibration of time altogether. Hence is the reason that many of you do not quite understand what time it is and find yourselves lost.


Please understand that this is a normal occurrence and is nothing for you to be concerned with but celebrated, for in essence what has occurred is the expansion of your consciousness, the expansion of understanding of the works of the universal decrees, and as such you are being shown that you are absolutely capable of maneuvering through various dimensions, time lines, universes whilst remaining in the NOW moment of time. For many of you are finding yourselves lost in space, feeling as if much time has passed whilst your physical clock has only moved forth a minute. Others of you are finding it difficult to concentrate as your thoughts are taking you into another reality altogether and yet bringing you back to present. What you are experiencing is a wobbling of energies, energies that are trying to come together into unison, to give you a glimpse and understanding of how time truly does work.


And so, let it be known that you are capable of not only understanding how time of NOW works, but manipulating the time to your advantage by folding the time and space continuum with none other than your THOUGHT processes. For all of you are magnificent, brilliant beings capable of much more than simply traveling through time and space, but folding it to accommodate that which you wish to achieve in your reality.


For once again in essence what you are experiencing is the merging of various timelines, partition and unification of all that you are into one beautiful, serene, ever expanding, full of light, love and power benevolent being.


Let us remind you that the power that has indeed been hidden deep within your vessel of time and space, the power that many of you are now beginning to partake of must be handled with care. For you must understand that you are the co-creators of your reality, and not only your own, but those around you, those whom you come into contact with and those that you shall not even ever see in your present moment of time, for ALL of you are connected and linked together as ONE.


And as such it is of utmost importance that you learn how to control and utilize the power that you have been granted at birth of your soul, and yes we are talking about your SOUL and not your present vessel, but your soul must remember and understand the importance of boasting such power. And as such, you are currently presented with various experiences to allow you to understand and acknowledge that your thoughts and words are automatically put into action on your behalf by the universal energies which are part of you and you are part of.


Know and understand that there are many adventures waiting for you in the near future and present, and as the portals begin to open yet again you shall be led by your own higher selves and your guides toward the informational decree necessary to activate the understanding of CO CREATION, the understanding of ONENESS, the understanding of POWER, ABUNDANCE, HEALTH, JOY, PROSPERITY and most importantly LOVE energies.


For indeed many more portals await you in the coming weeks and month, many more opportunities for advancement of your own self and those around you shall open their gates to you, and it will be you who shall decide to either step through the portals towards the merging of your own selves with your higher consciousness or step aside and wait for another portal to open it's gates to you. Wait not, for expansion of consciousness is inevitable, and all of you shall experience the wonders and magic of the universe that you are presently part of. The magnificent universe of potential, possibility and wonder. For all of you are able to create, for all of you indeed CO-CREATE the experience on planet earth.


And albeit at times the experiences that you are creating may seem daunting to you and perceived to be “negative” they are simply that – experiences. Whilst it is YOU who are assigning polarities to these experiences and deciding to experience them in a negative or positive way. Nevertheless, we ask that you choose to create and react in a positive manner to all experiences at hand, for they are all designed to expand your consciousness and show you that indeed you are responsible for various outcomes in your life. To teach you and walk you through your powers to allow you to understand, deeply understand what you are ought to do, and how you are to do so, in order to get to the goals that you have set out for your own self and the universe enlarge.


Understand that the times ahead are to gift you with various opportunities. It is so, and so it is. We your guardian angels of the 33rd parallel, of the 33rd dimension are standing by you ready to assist you in all that you are. Walking with you hand in hand and foot in foot. Call upon us whenever you need us.


That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you goodbye for now


2014年5月10日 星期六


當你情緒低落時,應該發現你正在低落的情緒中的當下,然後去發現什麼招來低落。然後看自己埋怨一長串的字眼與情緒出來時,再看看這些字眼情緒分別對應到以前曾發生過的那些事件上。 一一的去處理事件印痕,修復自己意識資料庫上的 bug,這樣就減少了自己意識迴圈的短路現象。之後就不再於類似的事件上起相同的反應。


試著成為「有愛的人」「善良的人」「更好的人」其實是一種頭腦的心智活動,唯有真正轉變意識形態,才能調校功能失衡的狀態。有些人嘴裡常說「愛你」「平安平安」,但會讓你感覺有一種偽裝,這樣的偽裝之下其實是增強了自我,強化個人自我概念,想要(這是背後的欲望)取得更多認同。但這並沒有讓你真的變成更良善的人。 應該做的是尋找在你內心中的那個本性良善的自己,並且彰顯那個自己出來。


他說的一點都沒錯! 新意識就是可以超越思想的新能力,它是意識的覺知,是意識的揚升,是覺醒。
