
2014年10月14日 星期二

天堂來信#5059 神在說些什麼


翻譯:Nick Chan

God said:


When you are wound too tight, unwind. What does unwinding really mean? It doesn't mean to take a drink or eat a second piece of pie. It doesn't mean running away or oblivion. Unwinding doesn't mean all the things you may think. It means letting go. Let go of what may ail you. What ails you is something you are holding onto, some thought you are holding onto, some orientation that you've got to let go of.


There are many possibilities. You may think the world owes you a living. You may think that you are in danger. You most certainly are in danger to think that you are in danger from one source or another or simply from the world at large. Whatever it is that hangs over you that you think you must defray, this is what has to be unwound. You tied a rope of tension around you. You simply have to drop it. It is you who holds yourself in jeopardy.


I can hear you respond vehemently:


"Look, God, what are You talking about? You know that there are tsunamis, earthquakes, lightning, all sorts of things that go boom in the dark. Trees may fall, trucks go off the road, innocent babies get colic. There is no end to the terrible things that can happen."


Beloveds, this is just the point. There is no end of possibilities. You are so quick to think of the disconcerting possibilities. I ask you to think of the equally viable possibilities. You could find a hundred-dollar bill on the street. You could bump into someone who will become a huge factor for good in your life.


You also have a choice to let go of thoughts you harbor and take out to revisit, the thoughts that spell out fear for you. Odds are that fearful events won't happen to you, you understand, yet you keep these images before you and you read your mental list of them too often.


Look, dangers are possibilities. Enough said. Let go of them.


Blessings are also possibilities. Blessings will come to you. Bet on them. Invite blessings to your table. You don't have to have them. They don't have to come to you. Certainly, you can invite them. Whatever you have on your mind, you are inviting to you.


Worries and fears are invitations just as much as thoughts of happiness are invitations. Why psych yourself up for mis-adventures when you can have happy adventures before you? Why not favor that which you desire over that which you do not desire? It is for you to hang out with forward-moving thoughts rather than with thoughts that give you discomfort or even agony.


This is common sense I speak of. This is Realism. This is facing facts. This is not running away. This is the same as not throwing your money away. We are speaking of higher stakes than money. How you look at life is key . Think anew.


You have nourished thoughts that do not bode well. You have been loyal to such thoughts. You have excluded friendly thoughts and, by habit, have played time and time again with thoughts that are not your friends. Of course, look two ways when you cross the street, but not a hundred ways. When you look a hundred ways, you will likely not get across the street. Not crossing the street may present a far greater danger than crossing the street.


Remember the story of the little red hen who announced that the sky is falling? The little red hen ran away from everything. Her idea that the sky was falling was based on a misunderstanding. True or not, she reacted to the world she saw. It was real to her.


