
2014年10月14日 星期二

Haydn’s regret 海頓的懺悔

In a session of Higher Selves family connection, Haydn appeared to be 62 dimensional Higher Self of my client.  He expressed his great regret of his musical works causing to malfunctions of listeners’ brain or consciousness.    
 that he started to compose these influential pieces on human consciousness.  The following pieces are confirmed by Haydn in spiritual connection, and are suggested not to listen to it for the reason of well initiation to human consciousness.     

在一次高我群連結的個案中,海頓出現在這個案連結對話中,他是個案62次元的高我。  在對話中,他表示曾經有意圖的做過數首音樂作品造成聽者的意識障礙,為此深感愧疚。    海頓是18世紀的音樂家, 經由莫札特的推薦在1785年加入共濟會, 之後,他才開始譜寫這類的樂曲。  下面這些曲目已經過海頓本人的靈訊肯定是會對人的意識產生封閉性影響的樂曲頻率,為人類意識揚升的目地,他並且建議不要去聽這些曲目。

l   Symphony No. 82 in C major, The Bear (1786)
l   Symphony No. 88 in G major (1787)
l   Symphony No. 94 in G major, The Surprise (1791)
l   Symphony No. 96 in D major, The Miracle (1791)
l   Symphony No. 98 in B-flat major (1792)
l   Symphony No. 101 in D major, The Clock (1793/1794)
l   Symphony No. 103 in E-flat major, Drumroll (1795)
l   Symphony No. 108 : z.B. Die Uhr, mit dem Paukenschlag, Der Abschied etc. (siehe auch: Liste der Sinfonien Joseph Haydns)
l   Missa in tempore belli, Paukenmesse (1796, Hob.XXII:9)
l   Missa Sancti Bernardi de Offida, Heiligmesse (1796, Hob.XXII:10)
l   Missa in Angustijs, Nelsonmesse, (1798, Hob.XXII:11)
l   Theresienmesse (1799, Hob.XXII:12)
l   Schöpfungsmesse (1801, Hob.XXII:13)
l   Harmoniemesse (1802, Hob.XXII:14)
l   The Creation
l   The Seasons

108 交響曲: z.B. Die Uhr, mit dem Paukenschlag, Der Abschied etc. (siehe auch: Liste der Sinfonien Joseph Haydns)
1 交響協奏曲 給 小提琴,大提琴,雙簧管與低音管
Missa in tempore belli, Paukenmesse (1796, Hob.XXII:9)
Missa Sancti Bernardi de Offida, Heiligmesse (1796, Hob.XXII:10)
Missa in Angustijs, Nelsonmesse, (1798, Hob.XXII:11)
Theresienmesse (1799, Hob.XXII:12)
Schöpfungsmesse (1801, Hob.XXII:13)
Harmoniemesse (1802, Hob.XXII:14)

Furthermore, Haydn strongly recommended listen to full solfeggio frequency for it attune individual body energy, and help activating human consciousness.  
此外, 海頓強烈建議聽全音頻音樂來校正個人能量場的頻率,這全音頻也可以幫助啟動意識。

