
2014年12月24日 星期三

【天堂的來信 #5143 權利與責任】

天堂的來信 #5143 權利與責任
Heavenletter #5143 Rights and Responsibility, December 24, 2014

God said:

Relinquish the past. Relinquish holding onto anything. Relinquish holding onto things and people and old thoughts. When you relinquish holding on, you are open.
放下過去 放下執著於任何事情 放下對人舊思想的執著,當你放下執著,就打開了自己。

When you relinquish holding on, for instance, you let go of greed. When you relinquish your hold, you automatically let go of many things you have wanted to be free from for a long time.
當你放下執著例如讓貪婪離開 當放下執著,你就自動地讓許多事情以你自己一直以來所想要方式釋放了。

You haven’t wanted to be greedy or jealous or resentful. You haven’t enjoyed the experience of any of them. The only reason you would cheat or steal comes from a limited idea you have kept to you.  You have thought that by stealth, for an example, is the way you can have what you want and/or you think that something is owed you and, therefore, it is supposed to be yours, that you have as much right to it as anyone else who claims it now.  I say enough of limited ideas. Relinquish them. Toss them in the wastebasket. Be done with them. Such ideas do not serve you. They are not in your best interest or anyone’s, and therefore not in the interest of the world. Honestly, for your sake, relinquish all such left-over ideas.
你本來就不要貪婪忌妒或憎恨的 這些的經歷並不令人愉快 你會欺騙與偷竊的唯一理由是來自於你一直保有自我限制性的想法。 你以為藉由偷竊,舉例而言,你可以保有某種你所要的東西,或是你認為所欠缺的東西。所以;這東西應當是你的了, 你與宣稱有權擁有的人一樣有同等權利擁有了。  我說,這些限制性想法夠了!  放下吧! 把這些想法丟到垃圾桶去吧! 到此為止! 這些想法並不能服務你! 這些想法並不能符合你的利益,或是別人的利益,甚至不符合這世界的利益。 誠實地,為你自己放下所有這些過時想法吧!

Relinquish the idea that you are lacking or forsaken or abandoned. For God’s sake, don’t abandon yourself. Don’t throw yourself into the trash.
放下認為自己匱乏或是被拋棄、被放棄的想法! 拜託,別放棄自己! 別將自己丟進垃圾桶中!
All you have to do is to remember Who you really are. You are a fortunate one. Why not see yourself as fortunate? Whatever has gone wrong, plenty has gone right. Confess. Admit it to yourself. No one has to know. No one else. Tell it to yourself, and soon everyone will notice your sterling good fortune.
所有你必須知道的是記住你真正所是你是一位幸運兒 為什麼不看自己是一位幸運兒呢 無論過往有多大的錯誤就已經錯了  承認它!自己面對承認! 沒有人需要知道,只有自己! 告訴自己,很快每個人就會注意到你很有本錢的。

In fact, the world will change before your very eyes. The world cannot stay the same. You cannot stay the same. The name of the game is going forward. One step after another, toddle along. There is no staying where you have been. Might as well move forward. Up and away!
事實上 這個世界會在你們眼前變化。這世界不會停留在同樣的狀態。 你也不能停留在同樣的狀態。 遊戲的名稱將變換, 一步接著一步,像嬰兒學走路般前進。 絕不會停留在過往所是。 請你也一起往前,向上,遠離過往!

If you have unhelpful life habits, find some other habits.
If you take everything personally, don’t take so much personally any longer. Try something else. You can get the hang of it. If you didn’t take something personally, what would your response be like?  How would it be different? Try it out. Play with it. You will master it. Yes, learn to shrug your shoulders. I know you would rather be free of pain than full of pain. Whether pain has a basis or not, pain is pain. Be done with it. All the slants you don’t want in life any longer, you don’t have to keep. If you can clean out a closet, you can clean out your thoughts and not trip over the same thoughts again.
如果你對任何事都感到不滿那就別再自己對號入座 嘗試別的吧。 你可以成功地經歷,如果不認為事事都是針對自己的話。 你的回應會是甚麼呢? 會有甚麼不同呢? 試試看! 玩玩看! 你會成為主導者! 是的,學習聳聳肩! 我知道你寧可沒有痛苦,而不是充滿痛苦! 不管痛苦有沒有根,痛就是痛! 到此為止吧! 所有在生活中你不再需要的偏見,你都不需要保留! 如果你可以清出一個櫃子, 你也當然可以清理你的思想,讓同樣的想法不再絆倒自己!

This is your inalienable right. Your inalienable right is to change your outlook. You don’t have to wait for your outlook to change of its own accord. Your outlook may be a sheep's or an old cowhand's. You can find other outlooks at no cost to yourself that will be a blessing to yourself and the whole wide world.
這是你不可剝奪的權利你改變自己外觀不可剝奪的權利 你無須等待你的外觀改變才去改變。 不管你是哪一個角色,你都可以無成本的為自己找到另外一個角色來擔當,這對你或是世界都是一個祝福!  

Time for renovation, beloveds. You may well have been resting on your laurels for too long. How do you know it’s too long? When you don’t love your present outlook, that’s how you know it’s been too long, and now is the time to trade it in. Swap your usual take on life for a new take on life.  Many years you turned in your car for a new one when you could keep it for transportation. Why would you keep an old broken-down outlook when you can only gain by turning it in? I ask you, beloveds, do the math. What do you have to lose? And what do you have to gain?
親愛的是革新的時候了  你可能讓自己的榮耀桂冠休息太久了 你怎知太久了呢 當你不愛你當下的樣子 你就知道有多久了 現在該是時機轉換了 以一個新的生命承擔交換舊的生命承擔 為了交通你會換掉一步老車那為什麼你還要保留一個破舊樣貌而不選一個可以讓自己獲益的呢 我告訴你親愛的 計算一下 你會損失甚麼 而你又必須獲得甚麼呢

