
2015年2月1日 星期日


The Land of God 【神的國土】---天堂來信#5178(HeavenLetter#5178)

摘自:   發佈於2015年1月28日

God said: 天父說:

And, in answer to your long question to Me yesterday, if I were to answer, “Okay, okay, I  will change life to what you ask,” you might well be flabbergasted and even crestfallen. The wind would be taken out of your sails. 鑑於你昨天問我的一長串問題,如果我回答:“Ok,ok,我會按照你要求的改變你生活”的話,你一定會大吃一驚,甚至氣餒。彷彿船帆失去風的航行。

You might think: “What is God thinking? What? Is He conceding that I have made ​​a good speech? What is the matter? Does God think He has lost a court case? Is He abandoning His Godship? Is He giving up His Domain so easily? Is He giving up on us, His children, without a backward glance? Is He withdrawing life from us?” 你可能認為:“天父在想什麼?什麼呀?祂是在承認我說的好?怎麼回事?天父認為祂敗訴了嗎?放棄了祂的神性?也輕易的放棄了祂的國土?放棄我們--祂的孩子,都不回頭看一眼?祂從我們的生活中退出了嗎?
Beloveds, getting what you ask for is not always what you want. 親愛的,那些你要求得到的並不一定就是你需要的。

Oh, yes, you may groan and grumble about life as it is. You may even make a good case for a carefree life given to you by sleight of hand, yet, in the end, what you have asked for -- begged for – isn't truly your heart's desire. The fact is that you do want to find your own way to the Land of God, even as exploration and discovery and digging deep aren't at all what you like to believe you had in mind. 哦是的,你可以那樣對生活抱怨和發牢騷。你甚至可以用魔術般的手法給自己精心設計一場無憂無慮的生活,然而,到最後會發現,你要求和祈求的並不是你的真心所願。你要找到前往神之國土的“自己的道路”,即使事實上那些探險,發掘和深入追尋根本不是你頭腦中認為的那樣。

You may have drooled over the easy instant way, and then you are left with your mouth hanging open. You never liked instant mashed potatoes. You never did, did you? And the myriad of revolutionizing instant foods that have cropped up, in your estimation , do not begin to hold a candle to the real thing. How you long for the food your mother or grandmother used to make fresh. 你可能垂涎於簡單的快捷方式,結果是讓自己的嘴巴張的大大的。你從不喜歡速食土豆泥,不喜歡,對嗎?還有那些突然冒出來的無數革命性的方便食品,在你看來,是不可能與貨真價實的東西相比的。你是多渴望你母親或祖母過去烹煮的新鮮飯菜呀。

Instant foods are also referred to as convenience foods. 速食食品也被稱為方便食品。

Do you really think you want a convenient enlightenment, one you can pick up off a rack at no cost to you, and everyone has one? An enlightenment you get free? Passed out like penny candy? Yours for the asking? 你真認為你想要的開悟也是“方便式的”?一種現成的,可任你得到,沒有任何代價,每人一份?一份免費獲取的開悟?像分發的一分錢糖果?你要求的那種?

When you look at life this way, instead of in a complaining way, you would prefer to stand in line for the real thing. 當你用這樣的方式看待生活,而不是充滿抱怨的時候,為了貨真價實的東西,你會寧願去排隊的。

What would be the meaning of a college degree that was printed out at your request without your having to succeed on your own? It's true that Heaven is granted everyone who leaves the world. This is how it is. While you are on Earth, Heaven is already granted to you, yet you have to get there on your own. There are many signs posted with arrows to Heaven, yet no free passes here on Earth. 學歷證書如果沒有經過你們自身努力就成功拿到,按你的要求被印出來,這意味著什麼?對於離開世間的每個人,天堂是本就被應允的,這是真的。事情就是這樣。當你在地球上的時候,天堂就已經許給你了,然而你要自己到達那裡。有許多帶著箭頭通往天堂的路標,然而,地球上沒有免費的通行證。

The Reality is that you have to have the eyes to see where you are. I already gave you a beautiful world. I didn't throw you into a jungle. I set you down in a beautiful world, and, from time immemorial, I have asked you: “Tell Me what you see.” 事實是你得用眼睛去看你在哪裡。我已經給予了你們一個美麗的世界,而不是把你們扔在叢林裡。我把你們安置在一個美麗的世界,從久遠以前我就一直在問你們:“告訴我你看到了什麼?”

You look around. Wearing your cool sunglasses, you see your life in shambles. You say: “I see a frightful world, God.” 你帶著很酷的太陽鏡看了看周圍,看著你混亂的生活。說:“天父,我看到一個可怕的世界。”
And I say, “Look some more.” 然後我說,“再多看看。”

And you come back and say: “The world has always been like this.” 然後你回來說:“世界一直都是這樣。”

I shake My head and say: “The world you presently see is not the world in front of you.” 我搖著頭說:“你現在看到的世界,不是你前面的世界.”

Then you say: “How many times do I have to look? For God's sakes, God, how many times do I have to look?” 然後你說:“我要看多少次啊?看在上帝的份上,天父,我要看多少次?”

And then I shake My head wisely, and answer for you: ”As many times as it takes.” 然後我搖著頭回答你:“有多少次就看多少次吧。”

And then I look you squarely in the eye, and I ask you: “Yes, how many times will it take before you see the beauty I set before you?” 然後我直盯著你看,問:“是的,你要用多少次才能看到我放置在你前方的美景?”

And then you say nothing. Silence is your answer. 然後你什麼都沒說。沉默就是你的回答。

