
2015年2月1日 星期日


When You Desire Happiness 【當你想要快樂】---天堂來信(HeavenLetter#5174)

摘自:    發佈於2015年1月24日翻譯:Cat

God said: 天父說:

Happiness is yours. I give it to you. It is the rug you stand on, the floor you walk on, the chair you sit in. You are the happiness you carry. That has to be so because I exist in your heart, and I am your happiness. I am your happiness of count. 快樂是你的,我給予你的。它是你站著的地毯,走的地板,坐著的椅子。你是你攜有的快樂。本該如此,因為我在你心裡,我就是你的快樂,是你們快樂的依靠。

When fear enters your heart, unhappiness gets its foot in the door. Fear and trembling dance a little jig in your heart, and you call this unhappiness. You name a state of affairs as unhappiness. Unhappiness seems very real to you, yet it is not the state of affairs. Unhappiness is an idea you carry. Fear gets a hold on you and makes you fearful, and your heart sinks. 當恐懼進入你的心,煩惱也就進入了你的大門。恐懼與顫栗在你內心共舞,你稱之為煩惱。你把不尋常事件的狀態稱為煩惱。煩惱在你看來非常真實,然而它並不是事件的狀態。煩惱是你攜帶的一個想法。恐懼鉗住了你,使你害怕,你的心才會下沉。

You may think that the present is unhappy. You may feel unhappy, yet unhappiness is an idea that you carry around. You tell yourself that you are stuck in the mud and can never truly be happy, or happy for long. On Earth, life moves on irrespective of anything. 你可能認為現在不快樂,感到很煩,然而煩惱只是你攜帶的一個想法。你告訴自己你陷入了麻煩,不會再真的快樂,或長久快樂。而在地球上,生活總是會一如既往的繼續下去。

A decision you make for happiness is moving yourself forward, dear ones. A decision for unhappiness holds your back. Both happiness and unhappiness are conclusions you draw. A conclusion can be anything at all. A conclusion may be like a cloak you put on with many moth holes in it. Such conclusions are not of much use to you. Certainly, the conclusions you make color your day. If you like color, then color your day with the colors you like. The conclusions you draw are optional. Opt to use the colors you like. 親愛的,你因快樂作出的決定會推動著自己向前,因煩惱作出的決定會使你停滯不前。快樂和煩惱都是你得出的結論。一個結論可以是任何事,它可以是你披上的一件佈滿破洞的斗篷。可這樣的結論卻對你沒什麼用處。當然你的決定渲染著你的每一天。如果你喜歡色彩,那就用自己喜歡的顏色去渲染每一天。你的結論是可選擇的。選擇用自己喜歡的顏色。

Who dares to tell you otherwise? Who dares to tell you that you can't be happy in a world of splendor? If life is what you make of it, make of it what you will. You are the advocate of your life. You may be convinced that no man or woman can dictate to you that you are happy. By the same token, no human being can assert that you are unhappy, yet you are a human being who calls yourself happy or unhappy. You are a good convincer . Jump onto another track of thought. The scale you range regarding happiness or unhappiness holds no certainty. When you proclaim unhappiness, you bet against yourself. You are being false to yourself. 誰敢和你說些不同的?誰敢說在一個繽紛絢麗的世界你不可能快樂?如果生活是你創造的,那就依你所願的去創造它。你的生活你來主張。你可能深信:沒人能跟你確定說你是快樂的。同樣,也沒人能斷言你是不快樂的,然而你是一個會自稱自己是快樂或不快樂的人類。你很善於說服自己,讓我們跳到另一個思維軌道來看。快樂或不快樂這區間的刻度是不確定的。當你表明你不快樂時,你是在和自己打賭,是對自己不真實。

Neither need you declare yourself as happy because happiness is not in question. I will be your happiness. You are never without Me. I am yours. 你根本無需聲明你的快樂,因為快樂本就不是個問題。我會是你的快樂,你不可能沒有我,我是你的。

Your happiness is not dependent upon what is going on around you. You are far greater than whatever is going on around you. You are made ​​up of far more than whatever may be dancing around you at a particular moment. You have say over yourself. 你的快樂並不取決於你周邊正發生的事。你比那些身邊發生的事要遠遠重要的多。與你身邊某一特殊時刻發生的事物相比,你的構成要深遠的多。你所說的超出了你自身的重要。

Happiness or unhappiness are relative. Today you may be unhappy about one thing. Tomorrow you may be happy about another. Be happy today anyway. Even as today you could be feeling unhappy and focusing on your unhappiness, still, today you run free. You have full use of your arms and legs and your mind. I can guarantee, that if you were to lose the full use of your arms and legs and your mind, you would look back at today as a happy day. This is what is meant by relative. You decide how to look at your life. Happiness and unhappiness are choices you make. Start looking at your life from a place of happiness. What do you possibly have to gain otherwise? 快樂或煩惱是相對的。今天你可能對某事不開心。明天可能又對另一個事開心。不管怎麼說今天要快樂,即使你今天可能覺得不開心,並關注著不開心的事,但今天你仍可以自由的奔跑。你有健全的雙臂,雙腿和心智。我保證,如果你過去曾失去健全的雙臂,雙腿和心智,那當你回頭去看時,會認為今天是快樂的一天。這就是所謂的相對性。如何看待你的生活是由你來決定的。快樂與否是你作出的選擇。開始由快樂的角度去看待生活。否則你能獲得什麼呢?

Are you your own friend or not? If you have been negating yourself, stop this moment. Be a cheerleader. Put an end to predicting what you don't want and expanding on it. If you don't desire unhappiness, then cease declaring it now and forever. 你是自己的朋友嗎?如果你一直是在否定自己,那就停止吧。做一個啦啦隊長。停止再預見你不想要什麼並繼續下去。如果你不想要煩惱,那現在就停止那樣的表達,永遠。

